10 FREE things to help ADHD
Having ADHD can be really expensive. SO here are somethings you can do to help ADHD which don’t cost a thing.
“Do as much exercise as you can. It’s great for people with ADHD.”
1. Exercise
1. Exercise 〰️
“According to the broad science, exercise tempers ADHD by increasing the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine-both of which play leading roles in regulating the attention system. With regular physical activity, we can raise the baseline levels of dopamine and norepinephrine by spurring the growth of new receptors in certain brain areas.” ADDitude magazine.
I personally have found that exercising especially in the morning really helps to set me up for the day ahead. I also find that it has a knock on effect on my energy and general stress levels and sleep which is a win win.
2. Sleep
Working on sleep will affect your executive function skills which are the mental processes that enable us to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. Basic sleep hygiene is really important especially for people with ADHD. Here are some things which help:
No screens an hour before bed (I find physically putting my phone in another room helps)
Showering or bathing before bed
Doing exercise during the day
Daylight first thing in the morning
Magnesium supplements/bed time teas
3. Visual reminders
If you struggle with memory, something which can help is using visual reminders. Visual reminders can be bright-coloured post-its, white boards or phone alarms to visually remind you to remember things like important appointments or your keys when you leave. Bonus if visual reminders are in places you will definitely look (like your front door) or bathroom mirror.
4. Landing stations
This may seem like basic advice but keeping things in the same place all the time can help you keep track of your possessions. Examples include:
Have a key bowl or hook by the door to put your keys into AS SOON AS YOU GET IN.
Charge your phone in the same place
Put your wallet next to your keys
5. A 10 minute tidy
Put on your favourite song and tidy up for 10 mins at the beginning or end of the day. Sometimes I do this if I’m avoiding another task.
6. Get ready the night before
If you’ve got work or an important appointment pack your things the night before. Don’t forget your laptop charger.
7. Body-doubling
If you’re avoiding doing something, invite a friend over to sit with you while you do it. It might even motivate you to tidy your house up a bit before they arrive.
8. Set the bar really low.
If you’re avoiding a task do a teeny tiny bit of it. If you’ve got to start a task at work, literally open the document. Write the subject line of the email. You’ll be surprised how once the first bit is done it feels easier to keep going. I find that setting a 5 min window to do something to music makes it a little challenge.
9. Affirmations: speak nice to yourself
When the world keeps on criticising you, it can be really hard to silence your inner critic too. Since finding out I have ADHD when I inevitably get something wrong I try and look at myself with curiosity and compassion. My go-to positive affirmations are ‘We’re all just trying our best’ and ‘I don’t like everyone and they don’t have to like me.’ Also ‘Bless this mess.’ Always.
10. You do you.
Finallly, there are so many different things out there which can help ADHD brains but really you have to work out what works for you. Think about times where things have gone well for you, and try and work out why and apply the same logic. Like I’ve always been good at exercising if I go with a friend, so I know buddying up for tasks is helpful.
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Over and out,