The #1 ADHD list online part.2
If you’re looking for tips about ADHD look absolutely no further than this list on reddit. It has so many great tips on living with and managing ADHD, and if you don’t know where to start there’s loads ideas. When taking ADHD advice it’s really important to pick the advice you take because what works for one person may not work for you.
Here are a few MORE of my favourite tips from the list:
Emotional disregulation/self-care
Don’t feel bad about sucking at school/work. You’ll get better as you learn more strategies for coping with ADHD. Things get better ~ (u/astrozork321)
Brain dump in a notebook by your bed every night. ~ (u/ALyscupcakes)
Start working on letting go of shame. It depresses your motivation and only makes things worse. You wouldn’t shame someone in a wheelchair for not getting things done, your difficulty is in your brain instead of your legs but it’s no less real. ~ (u/percyjeandavenger)
Remember no one is good at everything and some things you might find really easy, others may struggle with. Charlotte Forbes
Put your phone on the other side of the room and make your alarm super loud. Gets you out off bed and will make you turn it off so you don’t wake other people up. ~ (u/Valendr0s)
Try and not use your phone in bed, charge your phone in another room or away from arms reach
It’s okay to be in a room with people and just let people breathe. You don’t need to fill the silence. ~ (u/asmugone)
Sometimes you are the a**hole and that’s OK
Bring up small issues calmly in the morning before they become a big fight
Regularly check in on each other’s feelings, and ask them how you have been as you may not realise if you are irritable and snappy
It’s okay to be in a room with people and just let people breathe. You don’t need to fill the silence. ~ (u/asmugone)
“It’s okay to be in a room with people and just let people breathe. You don’t need to fill the silence. ”
If you hate your job. Make a job switch. It’ll help you make positive changes in your life. ~ (u/Mooberry_)
Find a job that works WITH your system. If you can’t wake up and be functional in the morning then stop trying. Find a job that doesn’t need you to wake up in the morning. Stop beating yourself up over things your brains isn’t designed for ~ (u/obxunseeker)
The moment you know you aren’t going to make a deadline, let the client know and again give them an overestimate of time for new deadline. People are always understanding and appreciative for this quick communication. ~ (u/Somewhereonabike)