Did you know that there’s a way to get fully funded (free for you!)  ADHD coaching if you’re working in England, Scotland & Wales?

It’s through a scheme called Access to Work. This scheme helps thousands of people a year get access to life-changing ADHD coaching from specialists like me. 

Access to work supports people who are waiting for diagnosis, have been diagnosed and don’t know what to do, or people who are self-diagnosed and struggling with ADHD at work. 

Here’s everything you need to know - to get this support.


  • What is Access to Work?

    Access to work is a government grant which funds support for anyone with a disability or condition that means you need support to do your job - this includes ADHD! You do not need a formal diagnosis to be eligible or receive support. 

    There is up to £69,000 of govt funding available per year per person to fund ADHD coaching, equipment and assistance like a virtual assistant.

    This means the govt pays for ADHD coaching, equipment and more for anyone who needs it employed and self employed people.

  • Who gets funding?

    Eligibility: you must have a disability, illness or health condition that means you need support to do your job.

    The full eligibility criteria is here it covers physical disabilities and learning differences including ADHD, dyslexia and Autism and mental health conditions, for example anxiety & depression.

    Important to note: you do not need to be diagnosed with a condition to apply for mental health support. You can be self-diagnosed, or waiting for diagnosis. 

    There is no means test for Access to Work you can get support  ‘however much you earn or have in savings, at the same time as most benefits, as long as you work more than 1 hour a week at minimum wage.’

  • What can I get funding for via Access to Work?

    Access to work funds:

    1:1 Coaching - normally around 12-20 sessions are fully funded:

    Coaching can help with working out coping strategies for working with ADHD and building self-awareness of ADHD and how it affects you at work. 

    Coaching also helps with:organisation, time management, accountability, stress reducing, anxiety & burnout, using a support worker and delegating tasks procrastination & decision making and more.

      ‘Support Worker’ Virtual assistants: 

    People are awarded VA support in areas they struggle with ADHD e.g time management, attention to detail, diary management etc. This is a person who you hire to help you with areas affected by ADHD.

  • Do I need a formal diagnosis to apply?

    No ATW is available for anyone who is self-diagnosed, or waiting for a diagnosis. You just need to explain how ADHD affects you at work.

  • How long will it take to get support?

    The current waiting list for Access to Work is 24 weeks to be contacted but its normally 6-8 months from applying to receiving support.

    There has been a huge increase in demand recently so waitlists are getting longer.

  • This sounds too good to be true - what's the catch?

    Do people actually get the money?

    Yes they do! But, only 1% of people who are eligible apply, because this service isn’t always widely publicised. 

    There's also currently a 6 month wait for support, and the level of funding varies depending on your case worker.

    This is absolutely game-changing for anyone with ADHD who is affected by ADHD at work. Or who has just been diagnosed with ADHD, and isn’t sure what to do next. 

  • Can I choose my own ADHD coach?

    Yes - Access to Work gives you a list of providers but you can also choose your own ADHD coach.

    I take clients via Access to Work - email charlotte@adhdclub.co.uk if you're interested in coaching.

    There are fully certified coaches listed on ADHD UK.

  • What's the catch?

    The current waitlist from sending the form in to being contacted is 6 months. But it normally takes around 6-8 months to access coaching.

    The process itself isn’t ADHD friendly with lots of emails and forms so do get support if you need it! This can be from a friend or HR at work

    You will need to tell work you’re applying. They won’t be involved in the assessment, but will need to be aware you’re getting support as they’ll need to confirm you work there.

    Coaching is fully funded, but if you pay for coaching it can take 3-4 weeks for money to be reimbursed. Its through an online system. 

    Support awarded varies depending on your caseworker, so you may not always be awarded what you want. However, it’s important to note you can negotiate what’s offered based on your needs. I support people with this process.Description goes here

  • What do employers need to do?

    Employers need to sign off claims and confirm that the person works for the company. 

    80% of funding is paid for my Access to Work and ADHD coaching and virtual assitants are fully funded by Access to Work. T

    They also need to fund some equipment costs: 

    up to £500  for companies with less than 250 employees

    Or up to £1000 for companies with more than 250 employees.

    .More info here.

ADHD Coaching through Access to Work : step-by-step

1 . Apply online using a form

People apply  using this form & get on the waiting list (for about 12 weeks)

REALLY IMPORTANT: You are NOT fully assessed by what you write on the form; it doesn't need to be perfect.

2. Access to work do a needs assessment

  normally a phone call with a support worker, you’ll need to talk through anything you want like ADHD coaching. 

You may be asked to supply quotes for Access to Work from a coach, or be given some options. You can choose who you would like to work with as a coach or VA.

3. ‘Your Award’

Access to Work award you a certain amount of coaching hours/VA support/equipment.

You may be asked  get quotes from coaching suppliers (this can be before or after your award).

Access to work approve a quote from a coach/VA

You can start coaching or getting support from a VA once your quote is approved.

Claiming money back

 Some providers (including me) charge DWP directly so you don’t pay for coaching or support services.

Other coaches may ask your employer to pay and then get re-imbursed, or for you to pay and get reimbursed. Costs are normally paid back within a month.

How to apply for Access to Work

Fill out the form here: https://www.gov.uk/access-to-work/apply 

Important to note: the form shouldn’t take too long to complete and you will not be assessed only by what’s on the form. The most important thing is to submit the form and get in the queue. 

Questions in the form 

(Feel free to copy and paste these questions into a google doc)

Are you a civil servant? If you are not sure whether you are classed as a civil servant, your employer will be able to tell you.

What are your conditions or disabilities?

Do you want some help to get to work?

Does your condition make it harder for you to do your job?

Tell us how it is harder: (examples)

  • Diary management

  • Procrastination

  • Memory 

  • Focus issues/hyperfocus

  • Time management

  • stress/overwhelm

  • Planning and prioritsing

Do you do anything to get around these problems at the moment?

Tell us what you do

  • E.g using a calendar, to-do list, writing things down, support from colleagues etc. 

  • Using project management software reminders etc. 

Do you know what you need to help you with this?

Tell us what would help you

  • I have been recommended ADHD coaching by my therapist/psychiatrist/employer

  • I have heard that ADHD coaching can help with organisation strategies etc.

  • I think a standing desk might be helpful because I’m hyperactive and prefer to stand

Your job details:

  • Your employment status

  • Where you work,

  • Job title

  • How long have you been in your role, 

  • How many hours do you work per week

  • About you - your name address etc